奥地利起重机制造商Palfinger Marine将为苏格兰Seagreen海上风电场交付100多台起重机。
1,075兆瓦的Seagreen项目正在建设中,它将成为苏格兰最大的海上风电场。 Seagreen距苏格兰的安格斯(Angus)海岸约30公里,将由114台三菱Vestas V164-10 MW风力涡轮机组成。将为130万户家庭供电。
帕尔菲格PF20000-7 LDB固定臂式起重机的起重能力为990千克,起重高度要求至少为35米。还要求设备具有较高的可靠性。
风电场与帕尔菲格的长期合作伙伴Outreach Offshore(位于苏格兰)达成了114台起重机的交易。
Seagreen to get 114 Palfinger cranes
By Alex Dahm
More than 100 cranes will be delivered by Austrian manufacturer Palfinger Marine for the Seagreen offshore wind farm.
The 1,075 MW Seagreen project is under construction and will be Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm. Seagreen is about 30 km off Scotland’s Angus coast and will comprise 114 MHI Vestas V164-10 MW wind turbines. Capacity will be to power up to 1.3 million homes.
Lifting capacity of the PF20000-7 LDB fixed boom cranes is 990 kg and the hoist height requirement was for a minimum of 35 metres. Reliability and low maintenance were also requested.
The deal for the 114 cranes was done with Palfinger’s long-term partner Outreach Offshore based in Scotland. The company local to the wind farm said it is committed to supporting the project in the construction phase and thereafter for the equipment servicing, training and other requirements when it is put into operation.
SSE Renewables Seagreen project director, John Hill, said, “We are pleased to welcome an industry leader like Palfinger to this project. It is great to see the company working with a partner based in Scotland. This is yet another example of the project and our contractors supporting the local supply-chain wherever possible and helping the country’s green recovery.”
Source: https://www.khl.com/news/Seagreen-to-get-114-Palfinger-cranes/8009644.article